Chrissy's series of beautifully illustrated Rainbow Books are intended as Gift Books. Gifts for Birthdays, Easter, Mothers Day, and Christmas; for someone who is ill or downhearted, or simply a treat for yourself. A gift of hope and cheerfulness, which the rainbow theme signifies.
Her poems come straight from the heart and are easy to read and enjoy. As many of her readers who contact her have said, they bring them love, laughter, comfort, faith, compassion and understanding and especially hope. Many of her poems portray situations in which readers can identify.
Her series is called 'The Rainbow Series' as each book has a cover of a different colour. At the moment there are five books available, the covers being purple, green, red, blue and yellow. Chrissy intends to write seven books, as there are seven colours in the rainbow. Her sixth book is nearing completion. Each book can stand by itself, as every title has different poems, an anthology of amusing, thoughtful, spiritual, and nature poems. Although they are intended for adults, young teenagers have used them for poetry projects.
'The Rainbow Series' was originally going to be published by a London Publisher. However after waiting eighteen months for it to come to fruition, Chrissy couldn't wait any longer and decided to self publish a first edition. Her mother who died on Mother's Day 1998, left exactly the amount of money to get her first book printed. On Mother's Day 1999,'Rainbow of Life' was in Westbourne Book Shop! So she knew it was meant to be!
Chrissy's first book 'Rainbow of Life,' was released in 1999 and in the first year a thousand copies were sold. In Spring 2000, she had a very successful Book Signing and Poetry Reading at Borders in Bournemouth, when her second Book 'Rainbow of The Heart' was released. Her third book 'Rainbow of Love,'was launched at a Book Signing in W.H.Smith, at The Towngate Centre Poole in Summer 2001. The following year the fourth book 'Rainbow Magic' was released at an extremely successful Book signing again at W.H.Smith. In 2003 her fifth book 'Rainbow Magic' was in the bookshops. Over 6000 books have been sold.
Since the trauma of having lost her husband with Motor Neurone Disease in 2003, there has been a delay in continuing to write her books. Having sold her house, leaving all her stock of books etc. in store, she travelled to Southern Ireland thinking she might live there. After many adventures, destiny brought her back to England where Chrissy finally discovered her rainbow's end, where she now lives.
Her sixth book 'Over The Rainbow' is nearing completion. When it is published information will be given on the News Page. All books are now available and can be bought directly from this website. Chrissy also takes orders by phone. Contact No: 01425 272 489. Books will be posted by return or if circumstances are beyond control within one to two days.